[Note: The latest book by Anouar Majid, We Are All Moors: Ending Centuries of Crusades against Muslims and Other Minorities (University of Minnesota Press, 2009) provides a provocative thesis, suggesting that we examine the issue of Muslim minorities in contemporary Europe through the prism of history, specifically the treatment of the Moors (los Moros) in Spain. Here is a sample of his argument (from pp. 3-4).] FOUND IN We Are All Moors
EU president: Herman Van Rompuy no friend of Turkey
Mavi Boncuk
EU president: Herman Van Rompuy opposes Turkey joining
The poetry-loving favourite to become the first president of Europe, Herman Van Rompuy, is also a hard-line opponent of Turkey’s bid to join the European Union because it is an Islamic country. Speaking five years ago, as an opposition politician, Mr Rompuy, a Christian Democrat, argued that Muslim Turkey could not be considered a candidate for EU membership.
EUobserver / Van Rompuy: ‘Turkey will never be part of Europe’
New EU president to play key role in Turkey bid – Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review
Possible Implications of the EU Presidency Elections on Turkey-EU Relations
Van Rompuy and Ashton ? The right choice?

So it?s done. The first permanent EU Council president is Herman van Rompuy and the first High Representative for Foreign Affairs under the Lisbon Treaty is Catherine Ashton.
The EU has once again missed a chance to make a real impact on the world stage. The very little known van Rompuy is apparently meant to be more an internal negotiator than a representative on the world stage. And Ashton has next to no experience in foreign policy.
Barroso still seen as ‘number one’ in Brussels
Who’s going to be the president of Europe?
Today, the way Europe functions as a political bloc might change dramatically. In a matter of hours, we should have official word from Brussels as to the new presient and foreign-policy chief of the European Union: positions hashed out over the course of a decade and finally approved by the passage of the Lisbon Treaty, which might — just might — give Europe a much more powerful and unified presence on the international stage.
EU spots close to filled
It now seems close to certain that Herman Van Rompuy, the prime minister of Belgium, will be EU president, and Catherine Ashton, currently the EU trade commissioner and the former leader of the British House of Lords, will be foreign-policy czar.
Europe’s New Chairman and Envoy
The New York Times writes about the two new (or upgraded) posts that were filled in for the European Union yesterday:
found in Caricature map of Europe, 1914
Britain is an militaristic lion with a Roman Imperial italic-type helmet. It sits upon a mound of riches gathered from its Empire.
VOA: Election of Van Rompuy as New EU President Draws Mixed reactions
For the complete report from the VOA click on this linkEuropeans woke up Friday to news they had their first full time European Union president – a man most of them had never heard of. Belgian Prime Minister Herman Van Rompuy is a low-key politician with a reputation for conciliation.
EU Low Representatives?
The look on Cathy Ashton?s face last night said it all. Shocked, flustered and almost a little embarrassed, the largely unknown British commissioner chosen to be the EU?s first ?foreign minister? said it was a sign of her surprise that she had no acceptance speech prepared. Speaking in a softly reassuring tone, she said she would pursue a ?quiet diplomacy? characteristic of her low-profile approach to politics.
Europe in blogs – Euroblogs (11): Herman van Rompuy & Catherine Ashton
It was the decision of the decade, because it took a decade until this first decision of “The new EU” could be taken – and the euroblogosphere has covered the nomination of Herman van Rompuy for European Council President and of Catherine Ashton as High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy extensively.
France and Germany – not Belgium and UK – are the real victors of yesterday?s EU deal
Ok so I was wrong last night. I had underestimated Fredrick Reinfeldt. The Swedish Prime Minsiter managed to find a consenus and before they even finished eating their line-caught bass. Against the odds, all 27 European leaders agreed on the Council?s
Morning Brief: The EU picks its president
Top Story: Late yesterday evening in Brussels, leaders from the European Union named Belgian Prime Minister Herman Van Rompuy and EU Trade Commissioner Catherine Ashton to two top posts created by the Lisbon Treaty — president and high representative for foreign policy, respectively. Both accepted the appointments, which were decided unanimously; numerous other EU and European Central Bank posts will be filled in the next weeks.
New EU leaders ? roundup
On the one hand, we have seen the official optimism beamed from the European Council after the choice of its new president and the EU high representative for foreign affairs and security policy. On the other hand, both fervent Europeans and rabid anti-Europeans have commented, many critically.
Van Rompuy et la Turquie
L?adhésion de la Turquie est un éternel sujet de discorde entre les Etats membres de l?Union. Jusque là rien de nouveau. Mais la question a-t-elle influencé les grands Etats dans le choix de leur soutien à tel ou tel candidat durant la campagne pour la présidence de l?Europe?
What does a Liberal mean in the European Parliament?
I had always thought that many of the national delegations in the ALDE Group made for very uncomfortable bedfellows. A loose coalition of ?liberal? interests, some are free-market evangelicals who would make Lady Thatcher blanche. Others are see themse?
Expert: Crisis exposed EU’s weaknesses
Jean-Philippe Torterotot, EWA President, Explains The Importance Of EU Water Policies
Blogactiv asked European Water Association President, Jean-Philippe Torterotot, for a summary after their 5th Annual Conference in Brussels. He explained the importance of flood related issues to European water policy.
EU agrees 2010 budget
EU rules on eCommerce ‘counter-productive’
EU High Representative?s tasks & EEAS
The European Council has selected Catherine Ashton, and she has accepted a huge challenge as the first ?double-hatted? EU high representative for foreign affairs and security policy and vice-president of the EU Commission.
Poland: Catholics Propose Adding Cross to National Emblem
The recent ruling of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Soile Lautsi, who was offended by crucifixes displayed in her child’s school in Italy, states:
The compulsory display of a symbol of a given confession in premises used by the public authorities? restricted the right of parents to educate their children in conformity with their convictions.
Rompuy Pumpuy becomes President of the European Council.
Posted by Thomas Byrne
Some people seem to be of the opinion that Van Rompuy will hold the same sway over Europe as Obama does over America, which is what we get for having newspapers so illiterate ? or perhaps even purposely lying on matters to do with the EU.
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