Either resign or apologize by EKREM DUMANLI

All eyes on the General Staff
As the authenticity of a military plot aimed at undermining the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government and the faith-based Gülen movement has been confirmed, everyone now wonders what the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) will do with those who devised the treacherous plan.
Eyes on army chief Başbuğ for urgent action on military plot
Today’s Zaman
To date, dozens of people have been arrested in the Ergenekon investigation, launched after the existence of a gang bearing the same name was discovered in …
Anti-government plot document causes new stirHurriyet Daily News
[Event of the week] Original copy of controversial military plot finally …Sunday’s Zaman
Either resign or apologizeToday’s Zaman
Five ?stupid questions? to change people?s perceptions about the military plot
General Staff needs to take action over plot
The discovery of the original version of an alleged military plot against the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) and the highly respected Gülen movement has led to increasing calls for the General Staff to explain the document and punish those who are behind the preparation of such an insidious plan.
Anti-government plot document causes new stir – Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review
A piece of paper to destroy democracy
?Just a piece of paper,? the chief of General Staff claimed. It was a photocopied document prepared by Col. Dursun Çiçek from the headquarters of the General Staff?s operations section.
Anti-government plot document causes new stir
Hurriyet Daily News
The document was recovered during a search conducted at the office of a suspect detained in the controversial Ergenekon probe and bore the signature of Col.
Original copy of military plot to bear important consequences
Today’s Zaman
This has also carried controversy with regard to the status of Çiçek, who was interrogated by prosecutors in the Ergenekon case (an investigation examining …
[Event of the week] Original copy of controversial military plot finally …Sunday’s Zaman
Taraf reporter awaits TSK explanation after discovery of plot documentToday’s Zaman
Original version of military plot reaches istanbul prosecutorToday’s Zaman
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