Judge Goldstone advises Israel to come to grips with the substance of the report
“In Gaza, I was surprised and shocked by the destruction and misery there. I had not expected it. I did not anticipate that the IDF would have targeted civilians and civilian objects. I did not anticipate seeing the vast destruction of the economic infrastructure of Gaza including its agricultural lands, industrial factories, water supply and sanitation works. These are not military targets. I have not heard or read any government justification for this destruction.

Turkish President Abdullah Gul defended his government’s criticism of Israel on Sunday amid a war of words over the Gaza conflict which has soured relations between the regional allies.
(AFP/File/Vyacheslav Oseledko)Israel Matzav: Israel’s cold war with Turkey

A large Israeli cafe chain has decided to stop selling Turkish coffee and plans are afoot to boycott Turkish resorts in the wake of increased tensions between the two allies.
(AFP/File/Mychele Daniau)
AFP: Israel boycotts Turkish coffee, vacations
Greece, Cyprus say want to see Turkey in EU | World | Reuters
Czech Foreign Minister supports Turkey’s EU entry effort – ?eskéNoviny.cz

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou (L) greets Cypriot President Demetris Christofias as he arrives during his state visit to the east Mediterranean island, in Larnaca October 19, 2009. The two leaders met to discuss Turkey’s prospects of entering the EU and their bilateral relations. REUTERS/Andreas Manolis
Cyprus and ‘Chosen Trauma’
By kicking up fuss about Armenia -Turkey rapprochement, Azerbaijan will irritate Turkey (PanARMENIAN.Net)
Turkey says ready to pay more for Azeri gas transit | Markets | Reuters
Azerbaijan seeks to derail Turkey-Armenia deal
Israel and Turkey start to repair ties (Globes Online)
Disappeared News: Johan Galtung?s view from Europe: Turkey Getting Unstuck
The Quote of the Week: Multiculturalism and Turkish immigrants (by John Rex)
Extracted from John Rex (1998), ?Transnational Migrant Communities and the Modern Nation-State?, in Globalization and Europe: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations, edited by Roland Axtmann, (Pinter:London and Washington) p.69-70
There clearly is a problem here of the difference between the ideal and the actual practice of multiculturalism. While the spelling out of the ideal shows that it is compatible with a revised conception of liberal or socialist democracy, what is often called multiculturalism seems to involve inequality or manipulation of minority groups.
Will the EU do whatever France and Germany ask?
The French secretary of state for European affairs, Pierre Lellouche, visited Turkey last week, and he delivered the inaugural speech of the eighth ?European Days? at Galatasaray University. The theme of this annual scholarly meeting was energy security, and Mr. Lellouche had the opportunity to lay down France’s perceptions on several subjects.
Turkey in the waiting room, Croatia full speed ahead
In its yearly progress reports about candidate countries, the European Commission is positive about the progress made in Croatia and Macedonia. It remains critical of Turkey. The five remaining Balkan countries also want to join the EU, but the Commisison doesn’t think they’re ready for the EU ‘waiting room’ yet.
Interview with Sedat Laciner on Armenian Protocols
Turkey suffers from loss of memory while calling for fair memory
We have to congratulate those who have come up with the concept of ?fair memory.?
These two words were meant to be uttered by Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu at a speech he was going to deliver at the historic signing of protocols that will pave the way for the normalization of relations between Armenian and Turkey. He could not deliver his speech because the contents of both his and that of his Armenian colleague created a crisis that risked delaying the signing ceremony. The crisis was overcome by canceling the speeches. But according to the text made available to the press, Davutoğlu was going to call for the two nations to set aside their conflict of memories and reach a fair memory in order to find true historic facts. In other words, he was going to call for an exercise for an objective reality of the past, not an exaggerated or distorted one.”
Droits de l?homme en Turquie ? Pourrait mieux faire
Le Monde (France), 16 octobre 2009, p. 20
Isil Karakas *
La Turquie, qui est membre du Conseil de l?Europe depuis 1949 et qui a ratifié la Convention européenne des droits de l?homme en 1954, connaît encore des difficultés à se conformer à cette dernière. 1 676 arrêts de violations ont été rendus par la Cour européenne des droits de l?homme et, à ce jour, 12 029 requêtes sont encore pendantes. Les violations sont souvent graves : elles concernent les atteintes à la vie, l?interdiction de la torture et des traitements inhumains, l?habeas corpus, mais également la liberté d?expression ; cela reflète à quel point le respect de la Convention en Turquie demeure fragile.
Snubbed by Europe, now Turkey looks to the East – The National Newspaper
Interview with Mr. VAKUR KAYA (ABHABER.COM) on Turkey?s EU membership Process
Changing Turkey: We currently observe an increasing rate of opposition against Turkey?s EU membership at the public and elite levels within the EU. What are the main reasons for this intensive Turko-skepticism in Europe? Do you think this opposition is strong enough to prevent Turkey?s full membership?
EU, Turkey and the World in 2030
Sundeep Waslekar
9 October 2009, Journal of Turkish Weekly
It would be extremely short-sighted to view the question of the Turkish membership of the European Union in the framework of a balance sheet for the two parties.
It?s well known that the Turkish membership of the EU will benefit both sides by resolving some of their internal problems. Europe is ageing. Its demographic balance will be against productivity by 2050. The youth bulge of Turkey can provide a vital human resource. Europe needs energy and currently depends on Russian gas lines via Ukraine. Turkey can provide alternatives to Russian gas and to Ukraine for the Russian gas.
The American Approach to the Turkish-Armenian Rapprochement
By Kaitlin MacKenzie
Over the past century, Turkey and Armenia?s antagonistic relationship has been well known. Embroiled in a bitter conflict over their territorial rights and, of course, the events of 1915 and claims of ?genocide?, the two countries have struggled to establish some sort of diplomatic relationship. This endeavor has begun to bear fruit, with recent Swiss-mediated talks in Geneva having resulted in an agreement to establish diplomatic ties that will be signed October 10 in Zurich.
Protocols In Zurich, The Armenian Diaspora In a Fury
The Armenian Diaspora seems to have been the most furious over the protocols signed between Turkey and Armenia in Zurich, Switzerland on October 10, 2009. But why does an agreement whereby two nations try to normalize their relations bring about that much fury?
EU wants Turkey to fight corruption
by SEDAT ERGİN- Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I carefully read the Progress Report released by the European Commission last week.
Then I went back and read the relevant sections of previous reports carefully. I see that Turkish media almost totally skipped a very critical section in this report.
(Dip) No Country Has Authority To Stop Negotiations Between Turkey and Eu, Pierini – Turk.Net
Turkey-Armenia Rail Station to Open Next Month | Asbarez News
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