Wolf Vostell, Coca-Cola, 1961 FOUND IN LACMA Features First U.S. Exhibition to Examine Art Developed During the Cold War
New interview with me touching on some issues for this blog–you can find the html version at http://aurora.icaap.org/index.php/aurora/article/view/82/93
Aurora, Issue 2008
Trends and Issues in Cultural Studies
Interview by Gloria Filax, Lorelei Hanson, Patricia Hughes-Fuller
Photo: Toby Miller (http://homepages.nyu.edu/~tm3/index.htm)
Toby Miller is currently Professor in the Departments of English, Sociology, and Women’s Studies and Director of the University’s Program in Film and Visual Culture. His research includes studies of the media, sport, labour, gender, race, citizenship, politics, and cultural policy via political economy, textual analysis, archival research, and ethnography. After working in broadcasting, banking, and civil service, Toby Miller became an academic in the late 1980s, when cultural studies started to boom. Toby Miller was able to parlay a combination of work experience, theoretical interests, and political commitments into a new career. He has taught media and cultural studies across the humanities and social sciences at the following schools: University of New South Wales, Griffith University, Murdoch University, and NYU. Miller’s work at UCR across three departments and a program is with the intention of sustaining and developing a dynamic interdisciplinary research environment in media and culture. Please see links to Toby Miller’s journal affliations, website information and a partial list of publications at the end of this interview.
Pamuk : Islam not irreconcilable with West | Asia Daily News
The Yomiuri Shimbun
This is the fifth installment in a series of interviews with leading intellectuals both at home and abroad about the present state of world affairs and potential solutions to challenges that face the world in 2009. The following is excerpted from an interview with author Orhan Pamuk, 56, winner of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Literature."
Towards an Atlas of Globalization
It’s cold in much of Europe this week, and it feels even colder when you can’t turn on the heat. From Turkey to France, people are finding themselves sitting in the cold due to a dispute between Ukraine and Russia over natural gas. The dispute is complicated, and involves the price Ukraine’s company Naftohaz pays Russia’s Gazprom for natural gas, the money Naftohaz is paid for gas transiting to Europe through its pipeline, the money Ukraine owes Russia and broader political issues between the two countries.
Culturalism: Culture as political ideology
The controversy on multiculturalism has changed the political fronts. The Left defends minority cultures while the Right stands guard over national culture. But these are merely two variants of a culturalist ideology, argue Jens-Martin Eriksen and Frederik Stjernfelt.
Transparency as a PR Principle, Not a Tactic
We used to say in my profession — public relations — that you shouldn’t say or write anything that you wouldn’t want to turn up on the front page of the New York Times. Now what I like to tell clients instead is: You shouldn’t say or write anything that you wouldn’t want to turn up in Google search results. After all, it’s a lot more likely that your communications will be reported, indexed, archived, and made discoverable online than appear on the front page of the Times.
The new ecology of war
"Global epidemics and global terrorism are two problems that principally emanated from the slums. When one talks about ‘failed states’ one often means ‘failed cities’ such as Gaza or Sadr City." Mike Davis talks in interview about the evolution of the neoliberal city.
Shadow Media, Creative Work, and Organized Networks
Media professionals are, like everyone else, hit hard by the economic downturn – but not just that. In an age of egocasting, consumers turning mediators and producers (or: produsers/prosumers), and behaviors of media firms signaling those of the people formerly known as the employers, mass layoffs, outsourcing and other forms of contingency have great impact on the employment, morale, and creative process in media work.
Freedom House: World less free, Iraq and South Asia improve

Freedom House has just released its annual Freedom in the World report on global political rights and civil liberties. Overall, the report shows global freedom in decline, a continuation of a trend over the last three years.
FP: The Think Tank Index
Foreign Policy Magazine
January/February 2009
By James McGann
It’s no accident that Barack Obama plucked his transition chief from a think tank. The world’s idea factories are charged with brainstorming solutions to everything from global warming to Wall Street’s implosion to the war on terror. In the first index of its kind, FP ranks the world’s best think tanks.
The Objectification of Women in the Prostitution Industry:The Discourse of Agency
The discourse of the objectification of women has become in the forefront of scholarly research due to its unquestionable significance to many interdisciplinary studies. The objectification of women assumes various shapes; among which is the prostitution industry which remains a contr
oversial issue in literature. Departing from this point, investigating the objectification of women in relation to the prostitution industry will be the prime focus of this post. This is partly examined through the discussion of the presence and absence of choice or agency for women sex workers, which is followed by presenting some of the theoretical disputes among different scholars. Finally, the post will investigate the debates around the concept of choice, or lack of agency in relation to women sex workers.
Open access, the new paradigm of scientific publishing
by Ascii
![]() | Bernard Rentier Dean of the University of Liège Liège Belgian |
This September, the 27 EU leaders met in Brussels for what was only the Union’s second ever emergency summit. Russia had just crushed its neighbour Georgia in a short, sharp war, and only one item was on the agenda by then – how the EU should respond to a resurgent Russia on its Eastern borders.
Is a revolution in access to knowledge underway? Is the availability of abundant, easily accessible digital information, mainly on the Internet, becoming the new paradigm, breaking the monopoly of paper? With Web 2.0, the context is changing considerably, and it is clear that these are crucial times for our relationship to information, knowledge and, ultimately, the world.
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