Bedrettin Dalan, who is claimed to be one of the highest leaders of Ergenekon gang and who is on the run, was spotted in Amsterdam as several dailies gave the news…
Ergenekon fugitive Dalan photographed in Amsterdam
Today’s Zaman
Former Mayor of istanbul Bedrettin Dalan, who is named as a suspect at large in the Ergenekon investigation, was spotted at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport .
Today’s Zaman
Former Mayor of istanbul Bedrettin Dalan, who is named as a suspect at large in the Ergenekon investigation, was spotted at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport .
Ruling through manipulation and provocation: The unwritten history of Turkey
Today’s Zaman
Later, its president, Sinan Aygün, was indicted in the Ergenekon trial, but no one paid any attention to the active campaign his organization was conducting
Today’s Zaman
Later, its president, Sinan Aygün, was indicted in the Ergenekon trial, but no one paid any attention to the active campaign his organization was conducting
”ve ersele aleyhim tayran ebabil…” (Pul)
by iç-mihrak
An anarchist art case: juxtaposing Quranic verse with Turkey’s first female pilot, Sabiha Gökçen, who was one of the bombers over the Dersim rebels in a fictional stamp: “And send against them swarms of flying creatures,…” (Quran, 105/3)
First Kurdish signs by Diyarbakır municipality, a huge roundup on Ergenekon case etc follow: