The Ramadan started all over the world. A whole month of fasting. Now I have to get back to work/writing so i will read the Wikipedia entry for fasting later but it seems Islam’s is one of the most difficult fasting tasks. I wonder what kind of liars were those who said Islam is a religion of ease in my childhood. What kind of easiness involved in this ritual? 🙂 As part of my eccentric fragments of belief, I do fasting. And since I don’t feel attached to collective part of it, it doesn’t seem very sensical. However, it is yet another test of iron will I won’t quit. I think fasting is easier when practiced collectively and I sometimes feel jealosy for those living in a more collective mood. Yes, at least my family does fasting- mostly. But theirs is too routinized. I have to attend Iftar frequently because they are upset if i don’t. But the iftar is just another dinner in which I have to put with the then current family issues.