Why does Beethoven’s Ode to Joy upset some Euro MPs?
A decision to make the EU flag and motto more prominent and play the EU anthem more often angers some British Euro MPs.
A decision to make the EU flag and motto more prominent and play the EU anthem more often angers some British Euro MPs.
The leaders of Europe’s four largest economies are to discuss a response to the global financial crisis.
Governments moved quickly to rescue failing banks this week but there are still doubts in their ability to mount a co-ordinated response to a new phase in the financial crisis
Brussels, 1 September 2008 (01.09)
from : Presidency to Delegations
Delegations will find attached the Presidency conclusions of the Extraordinary European Council held in Brussels (1 September 2008). 12594/08 2
The meeting of the European Council was preceded by an exposé by the President of the European Parliament, Mr Hans-Gert Pöttering, followed by an exchange of views.
1. The European Council is gravely concerned by the open conflict which has broken out in Georgia, by the resulting violence and by the disproportionate reaction of Russia. This conflict has led to great suffering on both sides. Military action of this kind is not a solution and is not acceptable. The European Council deplores the loss of human life, the suffering inflicted on the population, the number of displaced persons and refugees, and the considerable material damage.
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European leaders will try to put on a united front during a summit in Brussels today (1 September) that will review the EU’s relations with Moscow following the conflict in Georgia. But sanctions are off the agenda for now.
Nato governments divided on what to do about Russia
Nato says there will be "no business as usual" with Russia, demanding Moscow withdraw troops from Georgia immediately.
Genetically speaking, Finns and Italians are the most atypical Europeans. There is a large degree of overlap between other European ethnicities, but not up to the point where they would be indistinguishable from each other. Which means that forensic scientists now can use DNA to predict the region of origin of otherwise unknown persons (provided they are of European heritage). found in 306 – The Genetic Map of Europe
Philosopher Jürgen Habermas called for a pan-European referendum in the wake of the Irish ‘No‘. He overestimates the wisdom of the masses and underestimates what has been achieved up to now, counters Alfred Grosser.
From left, the Estonia’s President; Toomas Ilves, Poland’s President; Lech Kaczynski, Georgia’s President; Mikhail Saakashvili, Lithuania’s President; Valdas Adamkus and Latvian Prime Minister; Ivars Godmanis take part in their joint news conference in Tbilisi, Georgia, Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2008. The top officials from several former Soviet republics, recent members of the European Union, arrived Tuesday in Tbilisi to express their support for President Mikhail Saakashvili after Georgia came under attack from Russian forces.
(AP Photo/Shakh Aivazov)
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