From Black Friday to Good Friday

Erkan in a modest but excellent fish restaurant- another hidden secret of Istanbul- with his colleagues from Child Studies and Youth Studies units at Istanbul Bilgi University. Last Friday was another down moment in Erkan’s life. It started with exchanging civilized words with a girl who first flirted with me and then backed down. Since … Read more

Erkan's 10-day writing camp begins

After a few very angry and agitated days, I am alone and relaxed. Turkey has entered a 9-day official break. An ultimate statement of a lazy society. The occasion is Ramadan Bairam or Şeker (sugar) bayramı. Naming the bayram is an ideological act- oh i begin to be agitated again. For a person like me … Read more

President Abdullah Gül was at Bilgi!

santralistanbul seems to be the headquarters of Istanbul 2010 organizations.  From L to R: Aydın Uğur (Rector), Kadir Topbaş (Mayor of Istanbul), Abdullah Gül (President), İhsan Bilgin (Vice Rector), Oğuz Özerden (chair, Board of Trustees). Mr. Gül chaired a meeting on Istanbul 2010 organizations at santralistanbul.