NYT continues to embark on a shameful mission. Probably due to tensions between Turkey and Israel, NYT began to hit at Turkey’s probably the grandest trial for further democratization. Yesterday Mr. Bilefsky’s NYT article re-apperead on the Ergenekon trial: In Turkey, Trial Casts Wide Net of Mistrust
The article is built on already notarious sources who aims at destroying the trial from the outset (including Süheyl Batum, a law professor from Bahçeşehir U)
Israel no longer trusts Turkey, Erdogan says | Reuters

An Israeli drone is inspected by a pilot at the Tel Nof Air Force base, south of Tel Aviv, in 2007. Turkey has given Israeli contractors 50 days to fulfil a long-delayed deal for the delivery of 10 drone aircraft for the Turkish army, Defence Minister Vecdi Gonul has been quoted as saying.(AFP/File/Jack Guez)
How the Turkish Military Conspires Against Turkish Society
[Originally published in Hurriyet Daily News] As most tourists discover in just a few days, Turkey is an amazing country with great history, beautiful nature, and delicious food. But one needs to spend a little more time to discover that its powerful military is pretty amazing as well. Where should I start? Since we became a democracy in 1950, our generals have launched four coups. They killed a prime minister and two ministers. They imprisoned thousands of politicians and wiped out their parties. They tortured tens of thousands of political activists, some of who died under, say, high voltage. All this was done in the name of “saving the Turkish nation from threats.” Yet, alas, most of us haven’t really faced a threat bigger then this Ankara-based one, which is, ironically, financed by our own taxes. But the overt coups are just the beginning. They are just the tips of the iceberg. What lies beneath is a permanent war against what our generals call “internal enemies.” These are simply parties, groups or individuals who fail to comply with the ultra-nationalist, ultra-secularist official ideology. War against the liberals
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