Several dailies and websites quoted this list yesterday. I am not sure if this document really belongs (can be verified like some previous documents) to some military officials and thus leaked. I use it as a collection of politically oriented websites from a diverse set of positions…
New letter reveals top army brass involvement in plot
Zaman, 05 November 2009, Thursday
New letter reveals top army brass involvement in plot ? A second letter written by an unnamed military officer has come as strong evidence of the knowledge of top army officers about a notorious plan launched by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) against political parties, individuals and civilian groups in society.
A second letter written by an unnamed military officer has come as strong evidence of the knowledge of top army officers about a notorious plan launched by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) against political parties, individuals and civilian groups in society.
Anonymous officer says second letter sent to Ergenekon prosecutors
Hurriyet Daily News
Prosecutors who have been investigating the alleged Ergenekon gang ? an organization said to have plotted to oust the government ? have not yet called Çiçek
What if the document had not come out? by SALİH YAYLACI

?Technically legal, politically incorrect?
AKP votes in decline, survey says – Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review
Did Erdoğan and Başbuğ negotiate on the coup plot?
Professor Karaosmanoğlu: Time for military to respect democracy

Center-Right Parties Merge, Creating Challenge to AKP
Finally a possible alternative party to AKP. Two venerable center-right parties, the Democrat Party and Motherland Party, have at last united. Their attempt before the last election ended in failure when the party leaders squabbled. The Turkish electorate generally has voted center-right, so if the newly expanded Democrat Party (MP dissolved itself) gets its act together ? develops a convincing platform and elects leaders with credibility and stature ? it might take some votes away from AKP in the 2012 elections. (click here)
Turkish government reconsiders Kurdish initiative by Wladimir van Wilgenburg
A Kurdistan Workers? Party (PKK) ?peace? group had planned to go to İstanbul on Wednesday to convince Turkey to negotiate with the PKK upon the orders of the imprisoned PKK leader, Abdullah Öcalan, but the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government cancelled it at the last moment.
THE QUOTE OF THE WEEK:Turkish History Thesis and Archaeology (by Dr.Cigdem Atakuman)
Excerpt from Cigdem Atakuman, 2008, ?Cradle or crucible: Anatolia and archaeology in the early years of the Turkish Republic (1923?1938)?, Journal of Social Archaeology, p.214-235.
As a discipline imported from the West, archaeology was the perfect medium of the modernization project. It could search for the Turks in the most ancient times, beyond the timeframe covered by the traditional ? and presumably less scientific ? methods employed by history. Evidence produced through archaeology and anthropometry would then be used to prove that the Turks had a very ancient and glorious history beyond their Islamic past. Establishment of the prehistoric existence of the Turks in Anatolia would purify Turkish nationalism from its Islamic tendencies, and the secular discourse supported by this finding would help to locate Turks within the civilized nations of the West.
DP, ANAVATAN merger unpromising
?End of an era?
The time of ?quasi democracy? is nearing its end. For decades, both Turkey?s allies as well as the powerful coalition of the military, media and politicians-as-state-servants — the ?unholy triangle? — lived and let live in a make-believe world that Turkey belonged to the free world, as if pluralism and regular elections would suffice to classify it as such. What some define as the ?military democracy,? democracy under the tutelage of the top command, is on its death bed.
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