ACLU Releases Comprehensive Report On Patriot Act Abuses
Source: American Civil Liberties Union
The American Civil Liberties Union released a comprehensive report today examining widespread abuses that have occurred under the USA Patriot Act, a law that was rushed through Congress just 45 days after September 11. In the almost eight years since the passage of the controversial national security law, the Patriot Act has led to egregious government misconduct.
Zakaria: New American Foreign Policy
Obama has made striking moves to fix U.S. foreign policy—and that has set off a chorus of criticism.
MAIN FOCUS: Obama promotes stem cell research | 10/03/2009
US President Barack Obama wants to promote research on embryonic stem cells with state funding. In a first step he lifted the ban on government funding for such research enacted by his predecessor George W. Bush for ethical reasons. Europe’s press comments on this reversal in US policy.
France’s Obama fixation, Daniel Nichanian
It is not surprising that Barack Obama’s election has dramatically transformed the way French citizens think of the United States. That story has been told many times before, if not about France than about other countries and their fascinations with the American president. Yet, in an unexpected mirror effect, it is France’s vision of itself that is being altered by Obama’s victory.
Muslims in America
Contexts Magazine / Fall 2008
Recent national polls find that four in 10 Americans have an unfavorable view of Islam, five in 10 believe Islam is more likely than other religions to encourage violence, and six in 10 believe Islam is very different from their own religion. All this despite the fact that seven in 10 admit they know very little about Islam. And yet Americans rank Muslims second only to atheists as a group that doesn’t share their vision of American society.
American Religious Identification Survey 2008
Source: Program on Public Values, Trinity College
The Catholic population of the United States has shifted away from the Northeast and towards the Southwest, while secularity continues to grow in strength in all regions of the country, according to a new study conducted by the Program on Public Values at Trinity College. “The decline of Catholicism in the Northeast is nothing short of stunning,” said Barry Kosmin, a principal investigator for the American Religious Identification Survey (ARIS). “Thanks to immigration and natural increase among Latinos, California now has a higher proportion of Catholics than New England.”
Abraham Lincoln: 1865
February 5, 1865. "Abraham Lincoln, seated, holding spectacles and a pencil." Glass transparency; photograph by Alexander Gardner. View full size.
Poll Results: Obama, Jesus and Martin Luther King Top List of America’s “Heroes”
From the Findings (7 pages; PDF):
When The Harris Poll asked a crosssection of adult Americans to say whom they admire enough to call their heroes, President Barack Obama was mentioned most often, followed by Jesus Christ and Martin Luther King. Others in the top ten, in descending order, were Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, Abraham Lincoln, John McCain, John F. Kennedy, Chesley Sullenberger and Mother Teresa. These heroes were named spontaneously. Those surveyed were not shown or read a list of people to choose from. The Harris Poll was conducted online among a sample of 2,634 U.S. adults (aged 18 and over) by Harris Interactive between January 12 and 19, 2009.
Source: Harris Interactive
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