If things continue like this, Turkey-US relations will have tense moments. Mr. Bidden is good for Mr. Obama but not for Turkey. Or is it really the case?
An anti-Turkish vice president according to Hürriyet. He is known to defend Armenian, Greek, Cyprus lobby theses. But Foreign Policy experts state that Turkey is already changing is foreign policy attitudes and there won’t much new tension btw Turkey and US….
Barack Obama chooses Senator Joe Biden as his Vice Presidential running mate for 2008
Anti-Turk Biden’s Pelosi impasse
It is impossible to expect that Ankara will welcome Barack Obama’s decision to appoint Senator Joe Biden as his running mate.
Turks dislike Obama’s selection of Joe Biden as running mate
Obama’s VP pick cold to Turkey
Sen. Joe Biden, Democratic presidential contender Sen. Barack Obama’s choice for vice presidency, is a foreign policy guru, but during his 35 years in the U.S. Senate he has almost constantly voted for or
Biden’s refreshing lack of ideology

I think Joe Biden is a smart choice for Barack Obama. With nearly 36 years in Washington and much of it atop the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the Delaware senator’s got decades of knowledge about how the U.S. national-security apparatus works and a clear-eyed, unromantic view of America’s role in the world.
This experience has made Biden nothing if not extremely confident in his views, which makes him well suited to play the role of Democratic attack dog on foreign policy.
Is Joe Biden Obama’s Dick Cheney?
I really can’t think about it after a couple of weeks back in le Morvan – aka The Shire – dodging the the news. I also moved to Lyon and started my new 2-year j0b as the director of two University of California study centers – one here and the other in Grenoble, which is surrounded by the best mountain scenery I’ve seen in France. My main memory of the first week is spending four hours at Ikea outside of Lyon buying giant boxes, and then four hours turning the boxes into furniture. And then doing it all over again. It was actually fun, and the place looks great.
Welcome to the party: American convention follies , Godfrey Hodgson
The dog days of the United States presidential election of 2008 are over, and at last the convention season is arriving. The Democrats meet in Denver, Colorado on 25-28 August; then the Republicans will hold their conclave in St Paul, twin city to Minneapolis, on 1-4 September (the opening day, 1 September, is Labor Day, traditionally the opening day of the general-election campaign). One of the main decisions that each convention will highlight is the identity of the parties’ respective vice-presidential candidate. This, then, is a good moment to reflect on how the role of the nominating convention, and the status of the United States vice-presidency, have changed.
Also in openDemocracy on the United States election:
In Europe, Obama Dominates Intense Coverage of U.S. Election
Western European news organizations are providing unprecedented coverage of the U.S. presidential campaign, and as Election Day nears, correspondents are making a new effort to balance their coverage between Sens. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.). |
Potential Running Mates for Obama, McCain
Here are some possible vice-presidential picks for the Democratic and Republican candidates. DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES:Joseph Biden, 65 – The senator from Delaware, chairman of the Senate
Former American Diplomats Endorse Obama
By Patricia H. Kushlis
A week or so ago, I received an e-mail from a former U.S. Foreign Service colleague asking me if I would be interested in adding my name to a statement endorsing Barack Obama for the presidency. At that time there were about 100 names on the list including those of several friends and former colleagues. Since then, the statement has been refined and the number of signatories has more than doubled.
Obama hits back after one attack too many
Displaying a combativeness that many Democrats feared was lacking, Barack Obama is portraying his Republican presidential rival, John McCain, as a prisoner of the "Republican attack machine" who would represent a third term of George W. Bush
More Americans Question Religion’s Role in Politics
Source: Pew Forum on on Religious & Public Life
Some Americans are having a change of heart about mixing religion and politics. A new survey finds a narrow majority of the public saying that churches and other houses of worship should keep out of political matters and not express their views on day-to-day social and political matters. For a decade, majorities of Americans had voiced support for religious institutions speaking out on such issues.
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