Filistin’de İsrail Buldozerinin Altında Kalarak Yaşamını Yitiren Amerikalı Barış Gönüllüsünün Hayatı Sahnede! ” BENİM ADIM RACHEL CORRIE “ Rachel Corrie, 2003?te üniversite öğrencisiyken Uluslararası Dayanışma Hareketi?ne (International Solidarity Movement) katılarak barış gönüllüsü olarak Filistin?e gider. 16 Mart 2003?te Filistinli bir ailenin evinin yıkılmasını “şiddete” başvurmadan engellemeye çalışırken bir İsrail buldozeri tarafından ezilerek can verir. Rachel?in Filistin?e gidiş … Read more

Karizmanın çizilmesi/ Charisma shattered: Scared Israeli commandos

Hürriyet releases some photos from the flotilla ambush… Israel has been uploading videos to defend her murder but people began to make fun of first class Israeli commandos beaten by unarmed activists…. More photos here. Daily Hürriyet publishes photos of bloodied Israeli soldiers from Hurriyet Dailynews Pictures showing bloodied Israeli commandos being overpowered by activists … Read more

Aid ship Rachel Corrie peacefully taken over- Non-violence is Israel’s new terror

The last ship was named after Rachel Corrie.

Israeli troops take over Gaza aid ship Rachel Corrie

finkelstein reports with arraf on the flotilla massacre

finkelstein? s report with huwaida arraf who is one of the organisers of the ship to gaza campaign..


Divided loyalties

from BBC News | Europe | World Edition
Turkey’s Muslim heart fights its pro-Israeli head
Erdoğan posters are sold in Gaza.

Israeli forces board Gaza-bound aid vessel, encounter no resistance

from Hurriyet Dailynews
Israeli forces seized a Gaza-bound aid vessel without meeting resistance Saturday, preventing it from breaking an Israeli maritime blockade of the Hamas-ruled territory days after a similar effort turned bloody.
Former marine Ken O?Keefe returned to Istanbul like this after he was deported from Israel. via

Non-violence is Israel’s new terror

from Hurriyet Dailynews by HDN
With deadly attacks on aid ships bound for Gaza this week, Israel?s PR machinery is in full gear to justify its aggression.

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