#Anthropology roundup: discussion: “towards a richer understanding of affordances…

A necessary complication: towards a richer understanding of affordances media/anthropology by John Postill A comment on Elisabetta Costa “Social Media as Practices: an Ethnographic Critique of ‘Affordances’ and ‘Context Collapse’.” EASA Media Anthropology Network’s 60th e-Seminar, 9-23 May 2017 by Christian Pentzold Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research University of Bremen In order to capture … Read more

Anthro roundup: Do you know which sports are “ethno-sports”? An ethno games festival is on 26-28 August in İstanbul…

  This is a site for the Games: http://etnosporfestivali.com/ It does not seem to have pages in English. There is also the federation. Not all the pages in English available but still: http://worldethnosport.org/?lang=en The federation center is in Turkey and the founding countries of World Ethnosport Confederation are Turkey and Kyrgizistan according to the website. President of the federation is Bilal … Read more