📢 Diyarbakır’da gözaltına alınan 21 Kürt gazeteci meslektaşımız için İstanbul şubemizde yarın basın açıklaması düzenliyoruz. Herkesi dayanışma için orada bulunmaya çağırıyoruz.
🕛 12:00
📍DİSK Basın-İş (Orhan Adli Apaydın Sokak No:5 / Taksim)#GazetecileriSerbestBırakın pic.twitter.com/GIC0GKBtyU— DİSK Basın-İş (@Disk_Basin_is) June 10, 2022
Trace Turkey’s path to normalizing the practice of blocking news websites
From YouTube to websites: how blocking specific URLs became the norm Originally published on Global Voices Image courtesy
GEZİ TRIAL: Justified ruling in Gezi Trial: There are criminals but no crimes
According to İstanbul 13th Heavy Penal Court, Osman Kavala organized the Gezi protests together with Mücella Yapıcı, Can
International journalism organizations call on Turkey to withdraw disinformation bill
“Disinformation is an important issue and needs to be combatted but not at the price of restricting journalists’ rights and the
Free Web Turkey report: Another year of increasing censorship and surveillance
The Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) has been running a project since 2020, under the name of Free Web Turkey, which emerged as a result of increasing pressure on freedom of expression and the internet, especially through censorship practices and blocking access to websites. Within the scope of the project, we aim to provide guidance to websites, media organizations, and all content produ
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