AKP fails again in reaching digital natives: “AKP’s ‘Who are you?’ video

  Powerful & heartbreaking responses from a country devastated from 20 years of AKP rule. Responses highlight the many recent tragedies that have happened – political violence, femicide, workplace accidents caused by negligence & corruption, environmental/cultural destruction. https://t.co/EurlXzVW75 — Nick Ashdown (@Nick_Ashdown) October 21, 2020 Reactions against AKP’s ‘Who are you?’ video: ‘We are the … Read more

Tor Project’s the year-end fundraising campaign

Dear Friend of Privacy, As many friends and followers of Tor know by now, we spend the final weeks of each year asking for your help as part of our year-end fundraising campaign. This year hasn’t been a normal year at all, not for Tor and not for the rest of the world. In many ways, … Read more