Once upon a time there was a video games company called Nintendo which was cherished by gamers for over twenty years. Sadly, in the era of smartphones and tablets, Nintendo struggled to keep up with the changing times and many gamers worried about the company’s future as it seemed doomed to obscurity.
A privacy trainwreck: Pokemon Go, the hit augmented reality game that’s seeing kids and adults alike scouring the real world looking for monsters to nab, quietly gets access to players’ entire Google accounts.
Too many Pokémon, not enough waking hours to catch them all. That seems to be the crisis for many of the 7.5 million people (in the US alone!) who’vedownloaded Pokémon Go, the mobile game that has people exploring their cities, getting exercise and meeting strangers IRL.

While the whole world seems to be totally obsessed with Pokémon Go, at least six people aren’t going to have the chance to try out the augmented reality gaming sensation anytime soon.
A non-gamer’s best guesses as to what Pokémon Go actually is
I’m a 37-year-old man with a 17-month-old little boy, and I am increasingly out of touch with video games. But since I work at Mashable, where I am the science editor, I am surrounded by people who do play video games, and who are obsessing over something called “Pokémon Go” at the moment.

Rule the shopping cart, catch them all. The post Playing Pokemon Go?
Well, that escalated quickly.
Five days after the launch, Pokémon Go — an augmented reality game in which you hunt virtual Pokémon on your phone in real-life locations — is huge.
Pokemon Go wants access to your Google account (and thus your email and Google Docs) and its privacy policy is a Kafka-esque nightmare document that lets them collect every single imaginable piece of private information about your life and share it with pretty much anyone they want to, forever
Why continuing to shrug at mass data collection is lazy, irresponsible, and borderline stupid.
Satellite dishes at GCHQ Bude. Nilfanion/Wikimedia. Some rights reserved.We’ve all got secrets. We’ve all done things we’re ashamed of. We’ve all done things we’re worried about. We’ve all done things we’re embarrassed of.
One Twitter User’s Frame-by-Frame Analysis of the Dallas Shooting Media Coverage
Floor tiles at the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome. The pattern creates an illusion of three-dimensional boxes. PHOTO: Public Domain
Bad bot, bad bot – 29 percent of web traffic from malicious bots
SC Magazine
The primary use for bots is performing Distributed Denial of Service attacks mostly originating from China, South Korea, the United States, Vietnam and Turkey with the United States, U.K., Japan, Netherlands and France being the most victimized nations
Twitter announced that tweets related to Ramadan, which ended July 5, were viewed more than 10.7 billion times, up from 8.4 billion in 2015.
As my colleague Liliana Segura noted on Twitter this morning, the documented killing of black Americans by police officers has become so routine that it is hard for even the racists who seek to justify the slaughter in online comment threads to keep up.
Live-video-streaming services such as Twitter’s Periscope application andFacebook Live have played prominent roles in the fallout over police shootings of African Americans.
The July 6 fatal shooting of Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minn., wascaptured on Facebook Live (embedded below, but please be warned, the content is graphic) by Castile’s girlfriend, Diamond Williams.
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