Oh boy, Turkish police chief says “Social media prompts police suicides.. A social fabric roundup…

Social media prompts police suicides, says Turkish chief

Turkey?s general police director has blamed social media for the rise in police officer suicides in the country


Turkish Red Crescent ?blames science? for AIDS infection via blood transplant

The Turkish Red Crescent has blamed ‘flaws of science’ for the death of a patient who was infected with HIV following a blood transfusion

Turkish women want bigger role in politics

Currently, only 26 of 2,950 mayors and 110 of 3,979 provincial council members are women

Ruling AKP deputy insists on single-sex education as option

A senior member of the ruling AKP, who has been vocal in his objection to mixed-sex education, insisted that what he said was solely meant to offer an alternative in the educational system

Turkey’s Family Ministry aims to prevent divorces

The Family and Social Policies Ministry is working on a project in which the family ombudsman will offer psychological support to married couples who are seeking to get a divorce.


Ahmet Kaya would stand next to both Gezi protestors and Barzani, his widow says

Ahmet Kaya would support both to the Gezi Park protests and the recent Diyarbakır visit from the KRG, his widow says


Women employment in Turkey shows high rise but low quality

Despite women?s participation in labor market rises in Turkey, most of them are employed at works that require less qualifications or don?t provide social security.


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