Turkish authorities like a Lie Machine. It is Facebook’s turn to deny Turkish authorities’ claims…

According to Human Rights Association of Turkey 4 dead, 7,681 wounded, 70 arrested. via Gezi bilançosu: 4 ölü, 7 bin 681 yaralı, 70 tutuklama

Facebook denies providing user data to Turkish authorities following government requests over protests

Facebook today released a statement saying it has not handed over any user data to Turkish authorities despite government requests related to the protests in the country. Furthermore, the company says representatives of the Turkish government will be visiting its headquarters this week, during which the social network?s employees will emphasize the importance of using legal channels for their demands.

Turkey’s ruling party hosts Gezi workshop

The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) hosted a workshop yesterday with a focus on the ongoing Gezi protests in Istanbul.



Turkey warns Germany as Berlin obstructs its EU path

By Nick Tattersall and Justyna Pawlak ISTANBUL/BRUSSELS (Reuters) – Turkey warned German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday not to play politics with its European Union ambitions as Berlin blocked moves to open a new chapter in Ankara’s EU membership talks next week. Turkey said failure to open the chapter would be a major setback in Ankara’s relations with the bloc and one senior Turkish

Viva Gezi

Greetings from Istanbul. Monday evening I met with some friends in a cafe in Cihangir. Among us in a constantly changing cast were a CHP member of parliament, two Italian journalists, a young producer, a TV actress who has also opened a theater for street children, some Turkish journalists, and some Turkish academics in different fields from the US. As some people left, others joined us. Interviews were carried out, new relationships forged, old ones renewed, conversational partnerships formed and reformed, sometimes coming together in one great roundtable. The main topic ? you can guess ? was the protests, what they meant, the future and the past.

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