Our royal highness commanded: Gadhafi must go (a Foreign Policy roundup)



Turkey escalates pressure, says Gadhafi must go

from Yahoo news
Turkey escalated the pressure on Moammar Gadhafi on Tuesday despite its long-standing ties to the Libyan leader, insisting Gadhafi must immediately leave “for the sake of his country’s future.”


Why Europe Needs Turkey

by acturca

The Henry Jackson Society (UK) 28th April 2011

By Ivelina Fedulova

Executive Summary: 1. The European Union is facing a number of challenges to its role in global politics with the emergence of new economic and political players as well as changes on the international political stage.  In order to fortify its future position, Europe will have to embrace Turkey as a member and thus benefit from the geo-strategic advantages such as energy security and reinforced security and foreign policy positions.


La Turquie est fortement affectée par les révoltes touchant ses partenaires économiques du monde arabe

by acturca

Le Monde (France)samedi 30 avril 2011, p. 16

Guillaume Perrier,Istanbul

La Libye représente le deuxième débouché mondial pour les entreprises de construction du pays. Depuis le mois de février, début du mouvement insurrectionnel en Libye, l?activité économique est suspendue en Turquie. C?est un sérieux coup dur pour les entreprises de construction du pays : après la Russie, la Libye était leur deuxième débouché mondial.


At Europe?s doorstep, Turkey?s role in Middle East changes and evolves

by acturca

International Business Times Sunday (USA) April 24, 2011

By Palash R. Ghosh

Turkey has become a major regional and economic player in the Near East. As a leading vibrant Muslim society, the Turks offer a solid blueprint for Arab nations seeking to modernize, while still maintaining Islamic roots. However, Turks are not Arabs and their relationship with its Middle Eastern neighbors has been fraught with tensions, crises and conflicting objectives.

Patterns in the Arab revolution

The Arab leaders need to recognise their failures in dealing violently with the peoples’ genuine calls for freedom.


Empowering Egypt’s workers revolution

Since the fall of Mubarak, union members formed a new political party and struggle to nationalise their company.

Syria’s unrest: Between myth and reality

Syrian authorities blame foreign conspirators and Salafists, but analysts say the uprising is spontaneous.

No safe haven for reporters in Libya

As civilians fire rockets and government troops shell civilian positions, there is almost no safe place for journalists.

The Syrian revolution on campus

Pro-government students launched brutal crackdown on protesting peers at Damascus University, amid nationwide unrest.

Turkey: Inspiring or insidious
Financial Times
US consular officials were unsettled by the reluctance of visa applicants visiting Mr Gulen to explain their motives, according to a 2006 cable published by Wikileaks. The movement’s boundaries are vague: it attracts both committed and casual followers

La mer Noire de port en port

by acturca

Le Monde diplomatique (france) Août 2010, p. 14-15

Jean-Arnault Dérens et Laurent Geslin *

Sinop (Turquie)

Le 1er mai 2010, alors que les syndicats rassemblaient leurs troupes sur la place Atatürk, les chalutiers du port de pêche de Sinop pavoisaient aux couleurs de la mobilisation antinucléaire : « Sinop nükleer istemiyor ! » (« Sinop ne veut pas de centrale nucléaire ! »).

Turkey: inspiring or insidious

by acturca

The Financial Times (UK) April 28 2011

By Delphine Strauss

In one corner of the courtyard, green-painted railings enclose the tomb of a saint. In another, a pair of 12-year-old boys in spotless white shirts and neatly pressed trousers politely answer visitors? questions. In Diyarbakir, a city in Turkey?s Kurdish south-east where many children work on the streets or land in jail for throwing stones at security forces, these two have come to prepare for high school entrance exams. Asked what they want to do later, one says ?doctor? and the other, grinning, declares ?police?.


President Gül: Turkish people ‘may say no’ to EU membership

from Hurriyet Dailynews by ANKARA – Anatolia News Agency

The Turkish people might say ‘no’ to EU membership, just as the Norwegian public did, President Gül told Austrian media ahead of a visit to the European country.

La Turquie veut une libéralisation de la politique de visas de l?UE (Gül)

by acturca

Agence France Presse

Lundi 2 mai 2011, Vienne

Le président turc Abdullah Gül a appelé lundi l?Union européenne à libéraliser son régime de visas envers les citoyens turcs, au premier jour d?une visite d?Etat en Autriche.

Lors d?une conférence de presse conjointe avec son homologue autrichien Heinz Fischer, M. Gül s?est plaint que l?UE avait évoqué une abrogation des visas avec la Russie et l?Ukraine mais pas avec la Turquie. Une feuille de route a été signée par exemple avec Kiev en novembre.

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