after all, Turkey may not be the best model for Egypt. A Guardian piece…

photo from Boing Boing blog

Egypt: Doubts cast on Turkish claims for model democracy

from World news: Turkey | by Robert Tait

Supporters say Turkey’s ruling AKP party’s brand of political Islam could be role model for Muslim Brotherhood, but opponents warn of authoritarianism

According to conventional wisdom, Turkey has become the template of our times: a large Muslim-majority country that has moved from military domination to civilian rule in a few years, spearheaded by a popular democratically elected government trumpeting its EU membership ambitions.

Egypt and the Turkish model

The Egyptian public?s success in peacefully overthrowing long-standing President Hosni Mubarak despite his resistance to leaving has received much admiration from Turkey as well as from the rest of the world.

The end of Arab exceptionalism

Since the end of the Cold War, political scientists who focus on democratization spoke of the Arab exception when they referred to global dynamics ending authoritarian regimes. After all, of all the 22 members of the Arab League, only Lebanon qualified as a democracy, according to the standard definition of the term — based on multiple alterations of political power through free and fair elections.

Africa reacts to the fall of Mubarak

from FP Passport by Elizabeth Dickinson

America?s anaemic reaction to Egypt?s democratic struggle, Seyoum Tesfaye

from open Democracy News Analysis – by Seyoum Tesfaye
The leaders of the United States have this time dropped the ball.

In the past few days the world had been witnessing a vigorous rebellion by determined people in Tunisia, Egypt and Yemen to assert their basic democratic rights. To someone like me – an immigrant who was lucky enough to have been given the protection of the American constitution and the Bill of Rights – it was puzzling to see the incoherently pallid response of the Obama Administration to what is unfolding.

After Mubarak’s refusal to leave: which way will the armed pillars of the state jump?, Eberhard Kienle

from open Democracy News Analysis – by Eberhard Kienle
Updated 11am. After Mubarak’s refusal to stand down, attention must turn to what the armed pillars of the state will now do.The army may well be divided between loyalists and reformers; but the police and the Presidential Guard are also armed. The right kind of foreign pressure must continue.

Contested narratives and security implications as protests continue across the Arab world, , Oliver Scanlan

from open Democracy News Analysis – by Oliver Scanlan

US government turns up heat on Mubarak regime while commentators remain divided

In his strongest statement yet on the unfolding leadership crisis in Egypt, US President Obama expressed his concern that the Cairo regime had to yet to put forward a ?credible, concrete and unequivocal path toward genuine democracy? and his support for the protesters as representing ?the greatness of the Egyptian people.? He also called for any reforms to be ?irreversible?, interpreted by some commentators to suggest scepticism at Mubarak?s handing over of power to his vice-president, Omar Suleiman. The statement comes one day after both the US president and his CIA director, Leon Panetta, made optimistic suggestions that the Egyptian president would step down on Friday and were subsequently humiliated by Mubarak?s continuing intransigence.

Sovereign democracy, Egyptian style , Grigorii Golosov

from open Democracy News Analysis – by Grigorii Golosov

The similarities between the Egyptian and Russian regime are striking, says Grigorii Golosov. Arguably, Mubarak?s is the more liberal one.

The Egyptian Revolution: the desire to be peaceful ? and normal ? must prevail, Anthony Barnett

from open Democracy News Analysis – by Anthony Barnett
Who was the child of Mubarak’s speech: each of his Egyptian “children”, or the juvenile terror who just won’t give up his toys? But the “revolutions of the normal” are too powerful not to prevail

UPDATE: Joyous scenes! The people have prevailed.The regime is not down yet but it has been decapitated by the 25 January movement which has refused intimidation and suffered more than 300 dead and won thanks to its immense power and restraint.

Don?t Egyptians deserve democracy?, Islam Qasem

from open Democracy News Analysis – by Islam Qasem
Not long ago, Senator McCain urged President Obama to fully support the Iranian people?s quest for democracy. But the credibility of such courageous words rests on their universality

After Egypt: towards a geopolitics of democracy?

from Ideas on Europe by European Geostrategy

Where does Mubarak go now? [Updated]

from FP Passport by Joshua Keating

Hosni Mubarak and Don Giovanni

from by tabsir

Democracy, Europe, Nationalism… and Nick Clegg: a response to Anthony Barnett, David Marquand

from open Democracy News Analysis – by David Marquand
One of Britain’s leading contemporary historians and political analysts who served as a Labour MP, worked in the EU Commission and helped create the SDP responds to Anthony Barnett’s recent critique of the Deputy Prime Minister

The Arab 1989?, Alia Brahimi, David Held and Kristian Coates Ulrichsen

from open Democracy News Analysis – by Alia Brahimi, David Held and Kristian Coates Ulrichsen
The uprisings sweeping across the Middle East portend a political transformation as significant as those of 1989. The economic stagnation of the region, the failures of corrupt and repressive autocratic regimes, conjoined with a disenchanted youthful population wired together as never before, have triggered a political struggle few anticipated. Yet 1989 is not an entirely clear point of reference – the emergence of peaceful mass movements of change is a parallel, but the pull of the West, so marked in 1989, is weaker and more complex. Accordingly, the path ahead for these brave, inspiring, challenging movements is more uncertain.

Obama adopts Egypt’s revolution

from Mark Mardell | The Reporters

17 Human Rights NGOs in Egypt list their demands for consolidating the “January 25 Revolution”

from From the field by arn

Is it really over?

from FP Passport by Blake Hounshell

The scene in Cairo’s Tahrir Square had an aura of finality today, as volunteers dismantled barricades and checkpoints, began packing up their blankets and tents, and prepared to go home. Crowds of Egyptians strolled the square, many of them looking more like tourists as they gawked at the scene of last week’s intense battles and took pictures with soldiers and bandaged-up protesters. Others — some wearing signs saying “Sorry for Disturbance. We Build Egypt” and “Enter Egypt in Peace and Safety” — brought out brooms, dustpans, and trash bags, sweeping away the piles of garbage and dust that had accumulated over the siege of the past three weeks.

The Egyptian people have toppled Mubarak, an extraordinary moment, but the regime has not been toppled, not yet.

from From the field by arn

The military has taken power, but in reality the military has–even since the 1952 coup– held the balance of power in Cairo.

The Egyptian military has always lurked in the shadows of the Egyptian regime. The levers of influence were seldom exposed to view.  Yet, when senior civilian politicos, such as Osama al-Baz, reflected on the regime and its prospects for reform, they often pointed to the powerful role of the generals and vetoes they held in their back pockets.  For years, as expectations grew that Husni Mubarak’s son Gamal would succeed his father, it was the military veto that thwarted him.

Audio: Philosophers Zone ? 12 February 2011 ? Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood and Sayyid Qutb

from Continental Philosophy by Farhang Erfani

Egypt: Dance Dance Revolution (big photo gallery)

from Boing Boing by Xeni Jardin

Egyptian President Steps Down Amidst Groundbreaking Digital Revolution

from Mashable! by Emily Banks

Social media on march in the Middle East by Beyza Ünal

The protests in the Middle East and North Africa show that the traditional international relations theory, ?realism,? is once more being challenged by critical thinking. Today, what we have seen in states like Tunisia, Yemen, Egypt, Morocco and Jordan have at least one tenet in common: The people demand fewer inequalities based on societal level, a decrease in the state?s corruption and a wider distribution of income to society as a whole. Unlike in the traditional view, social media has become an influential trigger for these revolts. Moreover, these revolts should be analyzed from a societal level and not from a state level.

Behind Mubarak?s exit: A military coup

by Hamza Hendawi
CAIRO — It was the people who forced President Hosni Mubarak from power, but it is the generals who are in charge now. Egypt?s 18-day uprising produced a military coup that crept into being over many days — its seeds planted early in the crisis by Mubarak himself.

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