Among the European countries, Turkey has the most students sent to US…

In 2009-2010 academic year 12,397 Turkish students were matriculated at a higher education institution in US… News in Turkish here.

No doubt some go to to postpone military service (!) and in the mean time Orhan Kemal Cengiz continues to write on military service issues in Turkey…

Our fragile manhood and military service

from Today’s Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news :: Columnists by ORHAN KEMAL CENGİZ
When the 3H Movement, a young libertarian organization, invited me to give a lecture on ?Power-Military Affairs and Mandatory Military Service in Turkey,? I found myself indulging in an interesting stream of free association, which I would like share with you.

Conscientious objector declared unfit for duty in Turkey but remains imprisoned

from Hurriyet Dailynews
The Turkish military has declared the only conscientious objector behind bars in Turkey unfit for duty and exempt from mandatory service, but İnan Süver remains in prison with 25 months yet to serve for previous desertions.

Turkey?s conscientious objectors refuse to be born as soldiers by ORHAN KEMAL CENGİZ

from Today’s Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news :: Op-Ed
Turkish society used to be, and I am afraid it still is, a highly militarized one. In the last couple of years, owing to the collapse of the military?s guardianship, we have become relatively free to discuss the military?s role within the political system.


Lost in translation: the legal marriage age in Turkey

by istanbulnotes

It?s the kind of thing that one would have thought needs to be more or less entirely devoid of ambiguity. But the Turkish language does its users no favours when it comes to setting down in law the age at which various actions become permissible.

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