Turkey hails the World Press Freedom with 216 defendants…

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found in McLuhan’s “Medium Is The Massage” LP

216 Defendants “Celebrated” World Press Freedom Day Behind Bars

from Bianet :: English
According to the BİA Media Monitoring report, 216 journalists, writers, publishers, caricaturists, politicians and citizens were tried for their thoughts; journalists Kurşun and Güler are in prison. 5 journalists were attacked, fines imposed by the ECHR increased by 100 percent…

Incarcerated journalist’s account commemorates World Press Freedom Day

from Editors Weblog – all postings by Alexandra Jaffe

Picture  8.pngBritish Journalist Paul Martin shared his story of imprisonment by Hamas in Gaza and later freedom at the request of British parliamentarians in today’s Guardian, marking the 19th annual World Press Freedom Day, a day dedicated by UNESCO to promoting and publicizing the struggles of journalists worldwide.

World Press Freedom Day in the Americas

from Dipnote – U.S. Department of State Official Blog

Watchdog names 40 ‘predators of the press’

from Hurriyet Dailynews

Media watchdog Reporters Without Borders named the world’s 40 worst ‘predators of the press’ including politicians, religious leaders and militias to mark World Press Freedom Day.

OurBlook Roundup: Journalism Will Survive in Digital Age

from MediaShift

OurBlook.com is a website that gathers opinions from today’s top leaders in the hopes of collaboratively finding tomorrow’s solutions. It is funded by Paul Mongerson, a retired CEO who has a long history of philanthropy in the journalism world. In December 2008, those of us who run the site launched a future of journalism interview series. To date, we have collected over 100 interviews with well known journalists and new media experts.

Survey: Americans find CNN ‘more trustworthy’ than NYT

from Editors Weblog – all postings by Maria Conde

nytimeshelp.gifA 60 Minutes/Vanity Fair survey reveals that a majority of people in the U.S. find CNN and Fox News to be “more trustworthy” than many major newspapers.

World Press Freedom Day: Join a Webchat

from Institute for International Journalism by Kalyango

By Robert Stewart

May 3rd is World Press Freedom Day, when various media organizations call attention to issues related to press freedom issues.

The U.S. State Department?s website is hosting a webchat with journalists:

Reinventing public service communication, Petros Iosifidis

from open Democracy News Analysis – by Petros Iosifidis

This edited collection addresses one of the most challenging debates in contemporary media studies: the transition of the traditional public service broadcasters into public service media – that is, widening their remit to be available in more delivery platforms for producing and distributing public service content. Cross-platform strategies help public service media retain audience share, reach new audiences and develop on-demand services, while enabling them to create a stronger partnership with civil society and serve an extended form of citizenship.

The decline of news media and the decline of democracy

from Editors Weblog – all postings by Alexandra Jaffe

Picture  2.pngWhat do Sarah Palin‘s lies and ABCNews‘ layoffs have to do with one another?  They’re both, according to Huffington Post blogger Mitchell Bard, a danger to a strong democratic society.

Bard offers a quote from political scientists Michael Delli Carpini and Scott Keeter as the premise for his argument:

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