As of tonight, Erdoğan becomes a political legend….

Whatever the diplomatic consequences of Erdoğan’s reaction (or whether it is right or wrong) in the Davos panel, he becomes a legend for masses.

Thousands are driving to Atatürk Airport to welcome PM Erdoğan’s arrival at the moment…. Now I hear that subway services are extended to 3 am so that people can go to airport…

All photos here from Hürriyet website

Apart from hard core anti-AKP citizens, and retired diplomats whose minds belong to Cold War era, who immediately reacted negatively, we try to understand the situation.

* at one level, it is a matter of pride. Turkey’s PM stood against disrespect.



0 thoughts on “As of tonight, Erdoğan becomes a political legend….”

  1. If Turkey’s PM wants to stand against disrespect, he should have stopped the Israeli-Turkish military alliance and the military tenders worth billion dollars. He was one of the sponsors of the bombs that killed Palestinians in Gaza. This is just a planned organisation for the local elections. And majority of the thousands welcomed Erdogan were AKP(the leading party in Turkey)members. Were you there? I wasn’t. Who are those people waiting for him until 3 a.m in the morning? You must be insane to welcome him at that hour or you must be an AKP member, and it was a kind of obligation for you.

  2. Well, this does not mean for Turkey to stop all relations with Israel. I do not think that is aimed. The originality of AKP’s foreign policy is be in good relation with both sides. Though this does not seem to be the case now.
    Probably most of the people welcoming were AKP fans. But so what? If people could attend that event at 3 am. This is something. And I observe that many non-AKP people liked the move…


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